Wednesday, November 01, 2006

wild ride

once she pulled us out of the parking lot, lucy really let her rip. she was an absolute demon for speed. she rolled down the windows and the sunroof. she screamed and laughed wildly. the wind pounded our faces and sent our hair whipping in all directions. at a stop sign she took an elastic from her wrist and tied her hair up in a haphazard pony tail at the top of her head. i wondered why she had been so careful with all that hair brushing and make-up when all the while she planned on driving this way.

she told me that she knew exactly where her brother kept his weed. she'd been pilfering buds from his stash all summer. it was my task she said to keep rick busy with converstation while she stole up to his room to procure the necessary supplies for our evening's activities.

the drive to her house was perfectly idyllic. winding country roads. and long straightaways that she'd gas like crazy. i was wide awake now, and in love with chance and the sun and the day. the wind made tears stream from both eyes down my cheeks then pool on my neck near my ears. my heart was pounding -- i was laughing and yelping with lucy out of sheer delight. i breathed air deep into my lungs and exploded it back out again in giggles and shrieks. i opened the last of the two fortune cookies lucy had given me. "dare to dream, hope, believe, seek, feel, find, and love," it urged me. i was feeling hopeful now about everything.


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